These are Old Railway Engines at Baripada Railway Station. Baripada was the railhead for the Narrow Gauge. Rupsa Bangriposi line laid in the last century. It has an very interesting history behind it. The line is now defunct and had been converted into BG.these all Photos are send my Mr.Anil Dhir from Orrisa.
Thanx Mr Dhir for sending the nice beautiful photos.
Hi frieds after a long time again i am on blog actually during this period i was on the tour of Secunderabad and finally i was in INDIPEX-20011.Till further post.......
Hi Friends after a long gape i am again on the blog,actualy i was on the visit of Secunderabad due to which i can't give you updates.This is the certificate given by Sri.A.K.Srivastava DRM/Vadodra for the participation in Non Competive Philately Exhibition on Railway held on 11 to 13 -01-11 at Vadodra.Thnx Mr.Prashant Pandya for sending the this certificate to me.